
Scroll Native Gateway for Yields, Auctions, and Multilayer Rewards

What is Pencils Protocol ?

Pencils Protocol is the next-gen decentralized platform that offers auction services for blockchain native assets and RWAs, along with unified and leveraged yield aggregation services for users to maximize asset utilization.Pencils Protocol also serve as Scroll native gateway for liquid staking and restaking assets.

Powered by Scroll, Pencils Protocol redefines the Layer-2 sectors by utilizing Scroll’s zero-knowledge technology. We focus on scalable and private DeFi services, enhancing yield aggregation and farming. By leveraging the synergy between our launchpad and farming solutions, we aim to become the primary TVL gateway for the Scroll ecosystem.

Core products


  • Unified and Leveraged Yield Aggregation Services


  • Enhanced Liquidity Pools (LP)

  • Market Neutral Strategies

  • Onchain Synthetics and Exotics

Innovative Launch Formats

  • Launchpad Alliance

  • Progressive Ownership

Liquid Staking and Restaking

  • Scroll Native Gateway

  • Multi-Layer Rewards


  • NFT Launch

  • Onchain Loyalty Programs

  • Physical Goods and RWAs

Learn about our advanced farming options, secure vaults, and the unique community point system that are all setting new standards in the blockchain space.

Introducing Pencils Protocol Farming

Introducing Pencils Protocol Vaults

What are Pencils? Pencils Protocol’s Point System is Rewriting the Community Points Playbook

Last updated